Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Roaming Around The Village

This morning on our walk Devin and I did the big loop. There was a nice cool breeze; can you believe it was only 8C out there?? My Auntie Shelley would have froze for sure!

Lately I've had this obsession with staring down the walkway that leads to the plaza. Devin finally gave in and we walked across the street to get to the path.  Devin said to me, "I don't know your obsession is with this walkway, it's stinky!"  We have to walk past a few big dumpsters.  *hehe*

We turned to walk in front of the little shops in the plaza.  I like to window gaze; there's always this good looking hound looking back at me.   I stopped in front of the post office, Devin told me we couldn't go in there yet, it wasn't open. *phewy*  

We walked around and went home.  It's nice to change up the walking routine, nice to sniff new things.  I'm a little embarrassed to say that I tried to lift my leg a few times on the pillars out front the stores. 
Devin told me that I can't be doing that.  When we cornered around the pub patio,  Devin let me do it there, I was told silly humans probably do it there, so why not.  

Day in recap:
Went for a walk
Came home
Napped while Devin had to run to town
Devin home
Out for walk
Quick "come Milo" training session.  I'm liking these!
Devin attempted to pare my corn on my right pad - Devin held the scalpel, touched my corn a few times, then put it down saying  " i don't feel comfortable doing this, can you sense this??" gave me a pat and was back out the door for a meeting.
Art work
Tossed my bedding about
Devin home - we went for an "out"

Taken the other night - Armpits make greyt nose warmers!
 Work time - KONGS
Nom nom - Have a greyt day at work Devin!
post breakfast nap
Older lady up ahead, I wanted to walk with her. She kept a better pace than Devin this morning!
Stinky walkway
Checking out the storefront
Post office!
Pub patio
Morning KONGS!
Tuckered out from playing - taking a nap with Chicken
Roaching - foot caught in my blanket. I flip flop lots when I sleep
Roachin' Flamingo
Mini ETS
Artwork and bedding
Empty KONGS lined up


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