Saturday, June 18, 2011

Stop Drop And ....... stay

Auntie Melissa and Auntie Sherry R. came over to let me out this afternoon.

It was an afternoon of mild scares for the Aunties.
I stayed curled up in my crate when the ladies came over. Melissa thought I was dead in my crate - In her defense i do sleep pretty sound.

Sherry R came over and woke me up :)  She gives the best scratches!!!

After my wake up call all 3 of us walked as far as the baseball diamond; which really isn't far at all.
Suddenly I looked at Auntie Melissa and kind of sat down, then laid down.  Auntie Melissa asked me if that was my way of saying the walk was over.
She got me motivated to get up without any problems; we went back home.

I was spoiled today! Melissa gave me between 4-5 ice cubes, which put Devin into high alert.
I've only ever been given 2 at the very most.  Devin has read a few articles on BLOAT and ice cubes. Nothing concrete, but Devin isn't taking any chances with me.

Melissa fretted about my well being after Devin expressed concern over the abundance of ice cubes.

AS YOU CAN SEE..... I survived the ice cube ordeal. :)

In other news, I actually left Devin alone while the workout was in progress this evening.
We went for our walk afterwards; just like Devin promised.  I had several good sniffs around. 

I saw a total of  4 black squirrels this evening. I went into high alert, but Devin was able to break my concentration. Not everything that is small is meant to be chased - Is what Devin told me....

Okay it's getting late I have to get up early again. I can't wait for Monday when Devin is off work.
These early mornings are killers!!


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