Friday, November 4, 2011

Rough Night - Racing In My Sleep

Rough night last night. I haven't slept on Devin's bed in AGES.  Last night I decided I'd climb up and sneak a few Z's before Devin came to bed.  I was asked to move and eventually complied; not without giving dirty looks though.   It didn't take long for me to sneak back into Devin's bed.

Devin was being quite annoying with all the tossing and turning. I tried not to let it bother me too much. I did a bit of annoying myself.  At one point I was running a mile a minute in my sleep. My rear feet were kicking Devin's lower back while my front feet were digging into Devin's neck.
It was then when I was told that "This is going to be a long night if you keep this up Milo".  Phftt* whatever that meant?!
Devin told me to move move move move. After the first 4 "move" requests I got up and moved towards the foot of the bed (for all of a few minutes).

Apparently I am a heavy breather these days.  Between heavy sighs and just plain ol' breathing.....

Anyway,  I managed to help in keeping Devin up for nearly 48hrs (as i sit here and type this).
Oh I almost forgot.  This morning after breakfast I climbed back into "my" bed.  At one quick point i was ready to head outside with Devin until I saw my green winter coat come out.  I was sneaky like a ninja and creepied back to bed.  Devin tried and tried to get me to go out.  Once at the foot of my bed I was given the speech of:
"there are things we don't want to do in life Milo, some of us have the luxury of sleeping on and off all day while others have to go to work. I am one of those people who have to work, and you are one of those who get to sleep on and off".   I wasn't making any attempt to get up as i had rolled over submissively onto my side; Devin put on my martingale and off we went to get ready.  No growlies, no snarlies. Up I went....

Okay it's getting late I need to end this here.


Who? Me? What? Room? Yeah, I have enough room. Thanks for asking :D

Back to sleep

Disgusted look: Kicked off Devin's bed. It's not like i was taking up much room...

seconds later - back on the bed.  z z z

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