Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Devin-cam *Fail

I had a decent day today.  Devin left me alone for about 4 or so hours. Before leaving, the camera was put on me, but Devin failed to hit record a second time to activate the recording. 

The purpose of the camera was to see how I fared after I consumed my KONGS.

There isn't anything else to really report on; another lazy day for me.  What else is new?

My short lived toy.  Devin tossed it down the hall for me to chase. I brought it back to my "nest" where i proceeded to eat the squeaker out of it. Devin wasn't fast enough to get the piece of plastic out of my mouth.  We'll be looking for that in a week.  

So sleepy....

Oh this is the life...

Silly Devin.  After my Toy was taken away from me (the one i ate) Devin decided to try and get me to play with "Terry".  I really didn't have much use for "terry" today.   Devin thought it would be "cute" if i posed with it on my head.  Getting in touch with my "Egyptian" roots.
King Milo

Really Devin? Is this necessary???

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