Sunday, May 29, 2011

More Friends!

I can't believe I forgot to mention that yesterday evening I met "Babes".   Her mother is "Bev"; she works where Devin works.

Babes is much older and her eyesight isn't what it used to be nor is her sniffer I don't think.
I was standing a few feet from her and she didn't notice me standing there.
When she did finally realize was I standing within inches of her we sniffed and greeted each other.
We were both very good!

Here's a photo of us :)
In this Photo Babes Didn't Realize I Was Right Next To Her
Here We Are Checking Each Other Out

During my morning walk today Devin and I ran into "Stella" and "Daisey"   Stella is a tiny Chihuahua who barked none stop at me. I don't understand what her problem was.  For as much as she barked and bounced at me; I just stood there staring at her.  Daisey is the more laid back one; she's a golden retriever.  We greeted each other and got along well.

After my walk we went to stop in to see if Nana was around; she must have still been at church.
When we walked by the church the doors were open and people were "chanting".  Devin and I stopped to look for a moment then kept on with our walk.

That's pretty much all the excitement for me so far today.  Pretty low key.
I might go over to Melissa's today while Devin helps open the pool  We shall see though; I may just do a bed protest today and stay there for the better part.

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