Saturday, May 21, 2011

Nana Visits With Nana and NEW noise experiences

Devin and I were up early again today. We started to wake up at 0300hrs. We finally got out of bed at 0330hrs.
We did our usual routine -  pee, breakfast/shower, nap time, walk, get ready for work, "kennel up", leave.

 Nana came over to visit with me again today. She was late in getting here.  She did read all the notes that Devin left for her.

I just looked at Nana when she came in.  I'm getting good at that. I just lay in my crate and enjoy the peaceful music and aquarium bubbles until someone lets me out.  Then i'm all happy tail wagging.

Nana left me out of the crate while she went and did laundry. Nana said I was a very good boy.
Only once when Nana came back into the house did she have to open the door slowly because I was laying against it.

While Nana and I were outside today we could hear a baby crying. My ears were pointed high in the air as I stood there very still listening.  Such a strange sound - I don't believe I've ever heard that sound before.

Devin came home shortly after 1700hrs today. We went outside, had our supper, i came back in and slept.
We then went for our walk together. We didn't go far as i began to pant.

While we walked towards the police station, a lady was outside getting ready to ring the church bells.
What do you meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan that freaked me some. I stood there like a statue with my head tilted sideways, ears glued together in a triangle on my head (Devin still can't get over all the neat positions i get my ears into).  Devin told me that they were church bells, nothing to be afraid of.  We turned around and went the other way. 

2055hs  I was sleeping beside Devin in the computer room when I let out this throaty deep chested growl.
It made Devin jump.  I forgot Devin isn't used to hearing sounds come from me. As a breed we don't normally make noise of any sorts...well aside from sights and cheek puffs.

2 barks and 1 growl   

Time for bed
We've had early mornings all week. They do take a toll on me.


I got to hang out with Nana for a bit tonight. "YO" was out with Nana. Devin and I went over to talk and pet.

k, that's all.


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