Monday, December 10, 2012

The universe puts people where they need to be. (almost back on track)

Yesterday Devin brought me outside before work. I refused to walk any distance, I just wanted to pee and turn around to head home.  Devin made me walk 2 more houses away from home, then gave into my drive to head home.  I only had a few pees, no poops.

Nana came over shortly after lunch to try and take me outside.  I was more than happy to stay curled up on the couch, Nana tried to get me to come with ice cubes, but I wasn't going for it.   Nana left me alone and went home (she had to work afternoons).

Devin came home right after work - at what seemed to be a record time, and looked for me in my "usual" spots.  Devin couldn't find me, I was curled up on the opposite corner of the couch from where I usual nap.

It took some coaxing, I finally came off the couch and went outside with Devin. I took all of maybe 12 steps outside, did what I had to do (only pee) and ran towards the door.  Devin didn't try and make me walk more than I wanted to.

I was running around the apartment like madman. I knew supper was coming. YUM!!! 
I get so excited and alert when I hear the sound of a ziploc bag opening.  If Devin takes too long cooking up my hamburger I poke my head around the fridge to see what's taking so long.  Devin then tells me that it's almost ready, but we have to let it cool down first before it can be eaten.
In the freezer is goes, and on starts the agonizing wait of  a whoooooole 2 mins. *haha*

I am really enjoying this hamburger mix.  Last night Devin gave 14oz of beef and 1/4 cup of pumpkin mixed together.  Talk about living the life!

This morning I did my usual routine of:
Get up, stretch
Go back to bed
Get up, stretch
Go back to bed
Get up, stretch
Go back to bed

Devin asked me if i wanted to go outside. i flew around nipping at the air and at Devin's blanket, Just like i used to do before I got sick.  Devin took too long getting ready that I lost my ambition to go outside. I wandered off to my bed in the living room.  Devin managed to bribe me with small pieces of dried liver.  I finally got up and Devin steered me towards the door.  We both dressed for the freezing rain, and off we went.  We walked around the front lawn, I peed a few times then ran for the door.

We went back inside and you guessed it, BREAKFAST TIME!!!
14oz of beef and 3 TBSP of yogurt.  All mixed up into a dish of mouthwatering yummy stuff!

After that feast I needed to rest up.  After my nap, Devin and I loaded into the truck and went to Pet Valu to pick up my kibble and then to the drug store to pick up an extra large bottle of Pepto (just in case).

We ran into a nice man at the pet store, he has 3 whippets.  He introduced himself and said his name is "Francis".
After loading me and my kibble into the truck, Devin went back to ask him where he brings his little ones.  He said he brings one out to (my vet) Janet, and the others are brought to see Dr. David Callahan.
Dr. Callahan has experience and knowledge of the sensitive needs of the hounds he said.   Devin is keeping this vet as an option.

Once back home I wandered around the backyard some and FINALLY went for a poop!
Soft,  formed poop!!! Finally!!!

Devin's stress levels dropped multiple levels. A phone call was made to Nana advising her of my accomplishments.  How embarrassing.

So now we're back home and I'm curled up sprawled out on my bed... Good place to nap.  It's a cold ice rain/rain/flurry day here.

Photos from the past few days:
went for a visit to Nana's. found some grass to eat.
Nana filled me up with ice cubes *nom nom nom* I had her running back and forth to the kitchen. Nana makes the best ice cubes.
Decided to sit down beside Nana (Nana keeping to herself)
Snuggling up against Nana
Using Nana's lap for a pillow :)
Back home, sitting on the couch
My hiding spot
bribes to get me to go outside..
post breakfast roach
on our way to town
Come on!
Tired out from playing with Chicken
I humour you too much Devin..

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