Monday, January 30, 2012

Flaked out....

I flaked out in my "nest" last night; and stayed there until breakfast time.   After breakfast i wandered into the bedroom and crashed out on my bed. 

At around 9am Devin tricked me. Devin tried to get me to leave my "nest". I wasn't going for anything.
Finally Devin went outside the door, and walked back right back in. I was standing there waiting to go.

Off we went for our morning walk. Slip sliding down the sidewalk. On our way back we took the road.
It felt sooo grety! to have my feet firmly on the ground as I walked back home.

Now that i'm home I think i'm going to flake out for the remainder of the day, really what else is there to do? I'm living the retired life.

Nana is going to come on by later to take me for a stroll (tonight).


Last night

squished up towards the front of my "nest"

Crossed legs

Sometimes I can make my "nest" look too small for me.

head rush? ....
 This morning:

body pillow to keep me from going under the bed.


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