Monday, June 6, 2011

The Ickies and New Tricks

Devin still isn't feeling the greatest today. I think it's going to be another laying beside the bed day for me.
I don't mind - sleeping is what I do best! Next to eating :)

I'm still working on my stealth moves.  Last night when Devin went into the bath, I got into the hall closet.
In a pail inside that closet i found old fish tank ornaments.  I managed to LOUDLY drag out a statue. I managed to get it down the hall and near my crate when Devin came bolting to see what i had gotten myself into. 
~stealth i am not when it comes to "stealing" things~

Devin informed me these things are for looking at and not chewing/stealing.
I was just trying to bring it back to my crate to redecorate. :(

Needless to say the art decor was taken away from me; not without a small resistance.
I made a growling sound and went to put my mouth down to it.  Devin said NO and gave me a light tap on the side of the neck to try and push me away from it.  Devin felt HORRIBLE. This small gesture sent me running down the hall and into Devin's bedroom were i ran onto my bed. 

Devin apologized profusely to me. I was told again that I can't just be grabbing things that i find are pretty; apparently they can be dangerous. 

I know Devin is still learning my growling. I don't do it nearly enough that Devin isn't sure if it's a play growl or back off get your own stuff sorta growl.  We'll get there together.

Devin told me that if i felt like chewing on something that we'd look for a knee cap for me.

That's it for me~
Thank you Nana for taking me out yesterday.  I enjoyed my long walk with you last night.
You're always stopping and talking to people. I think just about EVERYONE in the village knows me by name now :)

Just the other day Devin and I were out together  and up came a large dog; Devin was a bit hesitant to allow me to approach, The other human told Devin that it's okay we (me and the other dog) have already met.


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