Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bath Time?

Devin is talking about giving me my VERY FIRST bath.

Stay Tuned...

Devin found this to help out....
Bathing Your Greyhound.
One of the nicest features of your Greyhound is that they are virtually "permanently pressed".  Grooming needs are minimal.

Greyhounds have very little oil in their skin thus have very little "doggie odor".  They do not need frequent baths, usually a bath every 6 months is more than sufficient to keep your Greyhound clean.  When you do bathe your Greyhound, be sure to only use luke warm to medium warm water.  If you use very warm to hot water, your Greyhound will eventually faint and slide down the shower wall.  It can be helpful to have a second person help you when you bathe your Greyhound.  The second person can help keep the dog from jumping out of the bathtub or shower stall and also prop up your Greyhound when/if he starts to get wobbly in the knees.
It is also important to never use cold outside tap water to bathe a Greyhound, even in the summer.  Greyhounds do not have enough body fat to regulate their body temperature very well in hot or cold water, so be careful not to over heat or chill your Greyhound. 
Never use human shampoo on a Greyhound (or any animal) the PH level is not good for their skin and they will end up with very dry and flaky skin if you do.  Use a gentle conditioning dog shampoo, gently place a dry cotton ball in each ear to keep water out and remember to rinse, rinse and when you think you have rinsed enough, then rinse him one more time.  Even the soapy residue of dog shampoo can be very irritating to your Greyhound's skin.  And always dry your Greyhound completely so they do not get chilled.

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