Friday, May 27, 2011

Why'd The Chicken Cross The Road?

I dunno....

I was on my walk with Devin earlier and found something "crunchy" to chew on.
Devin barely had time to get near my mouth before I had half of a chicken bone sticking out of my mouth.
I'm a bit of a food whore; Devin wasn't sure about how to extract the carnage from my mouth. After multiple "DROP IT!" Devin released my neck and I chewed it back.  An emergency call to NANA was placed.
Apparently I'll survive. 

No sooner did I chew back that bone, I found another one. Devin was quick this time to jerk me away from it.
Killjoy!  it was nearing supper. I was getting hungry. Can you blame a guy???

We went over to Nana's for a short visit.
 On our way back home i picked up yet another chicken bone. This time Devin was daring and opened my mouth up on me. I didn't bite or do my usual weird mouth action when i don't want someone in there.
The chicken bone was retrieved and tossed away.

Devin says i'm being a it of a child lately.
Anything that I can fit into my mouth will go in my mouth.

1) t'shirts
2) blankets
3) shoe lace that's attached to Nana's set of our house keys.
i tried to nibble that off the counter top without being noticed.
4) socks - Devin was holding a pair, i decide to make little nibbles at them.

I guess I can explain my recent happenings as:
Settling in
Finding my place in my new world

Okay almost bedtime.


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