Thursday, May 26, 2011

Learning What Thunder And Lightening Is All About..

Devin took me outside earlier. I still haven't done my "business".  Devin things I'm withholding because I can.
Or simply because I don't have to go.  I couldn't tell you really what's going on.  Just one of those Days I suppose.

The point of my story is this...

Devin brought me outside, and it began to sprinkle some.  No big deal, we've dealt with that in the past.
Then the thunder started to rumble. Meh, it was okay. Devin asked me what that was,  I had no clue, so I didn't answer.

As we rounded the bend to come inside a LARGE CRACK OF THUNDER and LIGHTENING struck down not that far from us; just near that spooky flag that gets me every time.  I jumped and spooked. Devin first made the mistake of telling it was okay. Then quickly corrected with "what was that???". That there ended my walk and "business" attempts.  

Devin was going to keep walking me to show that we don't need to run for shelter when it thunders like that.
I'm glad we came inside though.  Devin called Nana to let her know how Milo did with his first big Long Sault boomer -  Nana read the environment canada warning.  If it starts to thunder and lightening basically we need to get out of there; "Cloud to ground lightening is expected".

Soooooo I guess I'll just find a comfy spot until this lovely weather blows over...

PS - I did find my way up on Devin's bed shortly after i came in from the storm.
Devin tried to get me off - I'm still learning that "off" word.  I'll posted a photo at a later date at exactly how well that worked.   Devin pulled the quilt and fuzzy blanket out from under me.  I wasn't moving.  I even settled on hanging half off the bed. 

"Off" what is "off"??????


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