Thursday, May 19, 2011

Morning News

Guess what?

Chicken butt...

Okay, no but seriously - I woke up around 0500hrs this morning. Devin and I went outside to do my thing; then I came in, and had a yummy breakfast.  Devin served me up some kibble with pumpkin and 2 tbsp of plain yogurt.
Devin will be the first to admit that the yogurt didn't do a thing for me last night. My stomach was throwing out a storm of greyhound gas :(

So I went for my morning walk with Devin. We didn't walk up the parkway like we normally do.
The rain was coming down hard; neither one of seemed to mind so we kept on keeping on.

When we came back from the walk I was pooped! Back to lay down.

Lynda came by to say goodbye for now. She is heading back home for about a week. I was looking for Lucy and walked myself down the hall to sniff at Lucy's door.  Lynda told me that Lucy was at puppy camp.

I am sure going to miss my walks with Lucy when she goes back down home for good - the first week of June.
She's been a real help in helping to get me settled. She showed me how to do the stairs the other day; which i'm still having problems with when she's not around *le sigh*

Devin told me that Nana will be stopping by a couple of times tomorrow while Devin is at work. I was told to be a good boy for Nana - Like I have to be told that???

Devin left the apartment about 20mins ago now. Before leaving Devin told me to Kennel up.
I went in without any hesitation.  For this, Devin told me I was a good boy and gave me a few pieces of kibble as a reward. It wasn't long after that I laid down and vegged out while Devin collected the essentials and left.

I believe Devin is going to stay away until around 3pm today (and in the evening for my nighttime pee).  Nana is supposed to come over and let me out all by herself.

Definitely will be an update on that.


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