Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Bill who took care of me before Devin brought me home called to see how things were going.
He had seen on the forum that Devin wrote about me experiencing some separation anxiety.  Devin told him that it's honestly more Devin who is having the problem than me.

Bill said that there was one way to remedy this (click on photo to increase size)

By adopting Altar's brother Astro.

If  Devin was in the financial position, Astro would picked up in a heart beat. 
Devin thinks it would be beneficial for me to have a friend; but right now it isn't in the cards.

*le sigh*

I overheard Devin talking to Nana on the phone about the conversation with Bill.
Devin did say that sometime down the road there most likely would be two of us living together.

Nana feels that Devin should just stick with one for the time being. It can get quite costly (Devin experienced this first hand the other day from my vet visit).

Devin explained to Nana that it would be like separating Nana and her Twin (Aunt K.K.).
Families should not be pulled apart.   Devin has a heart of gold, if the financial means were there Astro would be coming to live with us next week (because Devin goes back to work this weekend it just wouldn't have been possible).

Alas, for the time being Devin has faith that Bill will find Astro his "forever home".
---as sad as it is for the both of us---


Devin did tell Bill that we were in contact with David R. Peck (my owner).
Bill confirmed that they are very nice people and he does communicate with them.


  1. Oh Milo,
    Please tell Devin that I would have loved to adopt your brother, but I don't have the financial means for 3 dogs. Please tell Devin that she should suggest to your Nana that Astro would be a great addition to her family :)
    Love and hugs,

  2. It's Cousin Tracy!

    Nana's dog Rye-Lee is too bouncy for me. I much prefer the company of other greyhounds; I'm thinking my brother is likely the same way.

    If only we could get a 2 for the price of one on EVERYTHING (food, accessories, vet bills) it wouldn't be a problem. :)

    I know my brother will get a loving home just as I did. :)
