Monday, May 16, 2011

I Went To The Vet...Then I was All By Myselffffffffffff

Devin brought me to see Dr. Dan.
waiting in the truck until my appointment time

still waiting - fell asleep listening to the rain

we're going where?

I made nice with the small dogs in the office.  I was weighed.
I'm 64lbs. Devin was very surprised to see this.

I had my teeth checked - they look great!
My eyes - no problems
My ears - I was given drops to take home. Apparently I have a small build up of wax.  These drops will help me out.

I was also given a worm treatment.  Devin is to put these two packages on my food for 3 days then again at 21 days. Here's hoping!

Dr. Dan mentioned possibly checking for hypothyroid as I don't have much in the way of fur on my bum.
Devin asked Dan if maybe it could have something to do with life in a crate - he stated that it was quite possible. That we'd watch for it. Also with having a parasite that could cause the fur to fall out.

Tracy held on to me while Dr. Dan drew blood to make sure I don't have Lyme disease. At the first poke of the needle i yelped like there was no tomorrow.  They had to put the needle back in. I can't say i enjoyed the second poke any more than the first.   I'm not too thrilled with having to go back in 2 months to be retested. Alas, such is life, eh?

Devin had me "Kennel up" and gave me a few pieces of kibble than closed up the crate.
I'm going to be alone until 2pm.  That's 4 WHOLE hours today.   Devin set up that darn video camera again. Talk about an invasion of privacy!

That's it for now


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